Monographs and Commentaries
in: Münchener Kommentar zum BGB (Munich Commentary on the German Civil Code), published by Franz Jürgen Säcker, Roland Rixecker, Hartmut Oetker
a) 6th edition, volume 10 and 11, C.H. Beck: Munich 2015
Art. 7-10 EGBGB, Art. 24 EGBGB, Art. 47-49 EGBGB, Haager ErwSÜ.
b) 7th edition, volume 11, C.H. Beck: Munich 2018
Art. 7-10 EGBGB Anh., Art. 24 EGBGB, Art. 47-48 EGBGB, ErwSÜ, ErwSÜAG.
c) 8th edition, volume 12, C.H. Beck: Munich 2020
Art. 7, 9-10 EGBGB Anh., Art. 24 EGBGB, Art. 47-48 EGBGB, ErwSÜAG, ErwSÜ.
d) 9th edition, volume 12, C.H. Beck: Munich 2024
Art. 7 EGBGB, Art. 9 EGBGB, Art.15 EGBGB, Art. 24 EGBGB, ErwSÜAG, ErwSÜ.
(§ 44 Continuing Power of Attorney, Guardianship Directive and the living will)
together with Johan Schrader
in: Münchener Anwaltshandbuch Erbrecht (Munich Lawyers' Handbook on Inheritance Law), published by Stephan Scherer
a) 5th edition C.H. Beck: Munich 2018
b) 6th revised edition C.H. Beck: Munich 2024
(Dementia: Scientific, legal and ethical aspects)
together with Sebastian Knell, Dietmar Thal, Baden-Baden, 2022, S. 59–94.
(People and their rights)
selected writings by Volker Lipp, published by Makoto Arai, translated into Japanese by Makoto Arai among others, Nippon Hyoronsha: Tokio (Japan) 2020
(Physician Law)
a) 6th edition of the publication founded by Adolf Laufs, together with Adolf Laufs, Christian Katzenmeier, C.H. Beck: Munich 2009
b) 7th edition of the publication founded by Adolf Laufs, together with Christian Katzenmeier, C.H. Beck: Munich 2015
c) 8th edition of the publication founded by Adolf Laufs, together with Christian Katzenmeier, C.H. Beck: Munich 2020
in: Münchener Kommentar zum FamFG (Munich Commentary on Family Law), published by Thomas Rauscher,
a) 2nd edition, C.H. Beck: Munich 2013
b) 3rd edition, C.H. Beck: Munich 2018
in: Münchener Kommentar zur Zivilprozessordnung (Munich Commentary on the Code of Civil Procedure), published by Gerhard Lüke und Peter Wax (2nd edition), published by Thomas Rauscher, Peter Wax und Joachim Wenzel (since the 3rd edition), published by Wolfgang Krüger, Thomas Rauscher (since the 4th edition)
C.H. Beck: Munich
a) 2nd edition, update volume: ZPO-Reform 2002 and other reform laws, 2002
b) 3rd edition, volume 2, C.H. Beck: Munich 2007
c) 4th edition, volume 2, C.H. Beck: Munich 2012
d) 5th edition, volume 2, C.H. Beck: Munich 2016
(Handbook of advance directives: Continuing power of attorney - living will - care directive)
published by Volker Lipp, edited by Volker Lipp, Jürgen Spalckhaver, Anne Röthel, Franz Vahlen: Munich 2009
(Family law status and solidarity)
together with Anne Röthel, Peter A. Windel
J.C.B. Mohr/Paul Siebeck: Tübingen 2008
(Patient autonomy and the protection of life. On the discussion about a legal regulation of “euthanasia”)
University Press: Göttingen 2005
online version
(Freedom and care: The human being as a legal person - On the function and position of legal care in private law)
a) Ius Privatum volume 42, J.C.B. Mohr/Paul Siebeck: Tübingen 2000
(zugleich Universität Mannheim, Habilitationsschrift, 1999)
online version
Discussed by
Alexander Schonber, Zeitschrift für das Fürsorgewesen 2001, S. 24.
Dieter Schwab, Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 2002, S. 1100 - 1101.
Werner Bienwald, Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht 2002, S. 1320 - 1321.
(The private knowledge of the judge. On the impartiality of the judge in a trial)
Mannheimer rechtswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen volume 18, C.F. Müller: Heidelberg 1995 (also University of Mannheim, dissertation, 1994/95)
online version
Discussed by
Oskar Feiber, Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 1996, S. 2082.
Ingo Saenger, Zeitschrift für Zivilprozeß Bd. 110 (1997), S. 244 - 248.
Hans Joachim Schneider, Goldtammer's Archiv für Strafrecht 1997, S. 243 - 246.
Stefan Smid, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht 1998, S. 528.