Doctorate in Marketing (Dr. rer. pol.), Georg-August-University of Göttingen
2015 - 2021
Research associate, Chair of Marketing and Innovation Management, Georg-August-University of Göttingen
2011 - 2014
M.Sc. in Marketing and Channel Management, Georg-August-University of Göttingen
Study abroad, University of Mississippi, Mississippi, USA
2006 - 2010
B.Sc. in Business Administration, University of Bayreuth
- Project assistance in the product management unit (Mahr Metering Systems GmbH Göttingen)
- Internship in product management and applications marketing unit (Mahr Metering Systems GmbH Göttingen)
- Working student in the online product marketing unit (xplace GmbH Göttingen)
- Internship in the competence center 'Healthcare' (Homburg & Partner Mannheim)
- Internship in the group's product strategy unit (Volkswagen Group Wolfsburg)
- Best Paper Award in the Track "Metrics for Making Marketing Matter", Winter AMA Conference, 2017, Orlando, USA
- Leveraging Brand Buzz for Shareholder Value Prediction: The Role of Brand Buzz Dispersion, Corporate Associations and Branding Strategies, Proceedings of EMAC Conference, online, 2020 (with M. Hammerschmidt, W. Weiger)
- Leveraging Brand Buzz for Shareholder Value Prediction: The Role of the Firm’s Branding Strategy, AMA Summer Academic Conference Proceedings, virtual, 2020 (with M. Hammerschmidt)
- Brand Buzz Branding Strategies and Firm Value: An Investigation Among US Restaurants, NRWA Conference Proceedings, Umeå, Sweden, 2020 (with J. Derenthal, W. Toporowski)
- Same Same but Different? The Predictive Power of Association Types in Brand Buzz for Investor Returns, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Munich, Vol. 40, p. 1-9, 2019 (with W. Weiger, M. Hammerschmidt)
- Leveraging Brand Buzz for Shareholder Value Prediction: The Role of the Firm’s Branding Strategy, AMA Summer Academic Conference Proceedings, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2019 (with M. Hammerschmidt)
- Quantifying Investor Returns from Brand Buzz: The Interplay of Brand Buzz Aggregation and Dispersion Metrics, Marketing Strategy meets Wall Street Conference Proceedings, Fontainebleau, France, 2019 (with W. Weiger, M. Hammerschmidt)
- Signals from the Echoverse - The Informational Value of Brand Buzz Dispersion, AMA Winter Educators' Conference Proceedings, Orlando, FL, USA, 2017 (with M. Hammerschmidt, W. Weiger)
- So misst Du den Return on Social Media – Metriken für ein modernes Markenmanagement, SocialHub Mag, 6, pp. 67-73, 2018 (with M. Hammerschmidt, W. Weiger, W., T. Schulze)
- Leveraging Brand Buzz for Shareholder Value Prediction: The Informational Value of Brand Buzz Dispersion, EMAC 2020 Doctoral Colloquium, virtual, 02.09.2020
- Leveraging Brand Buzz for Shareholder Value Prediction: The Role of the Firm’s Branding Strategy, 2020 Summer AMA Conference, virtual, 19.08.2020
- Same Same but Different? The Predictive Power of Association Types in Brand Buzz for Investor Returns, 2019 International Conference on Information Systems, Munich, Germany, 18.12.2019
- Quantifying Investor Returns from Brand Buzz: The Interplay of Brand Buzz Aggregation and Dispersion Metrics, Marketing Strategy meets Wall Street VI Conference, Fontainebleau, France, 17.06.2019
- Signals from the echoverse: The Informational Value of Brand Buzz Dispersion, 3rd Digital Marketing Conference, Passau, Germany, 16.03.2018
- Signals from the Echoverse: The Informational Value of Brand Buzz Dispersion, 2017 Winter AMA Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 19.02.2017
Dr. Stefan Fischer
Homburg & Partner - Part of Accenture Strategy