First name: *Family name: *Select an event: *Please select06.11. Bewerben - individuell und authentisch26.11. Rights and Obligations in the Job in Germany04.12. Bewerben - individuell und authentisch10.12. Alumni berichten: Karrierewege internationaler Absolvent*innen08.01. Bewerben - individuell und authentisch15.01. Praktikum in Deutschland: finden, vorbereiten, nutzen.16.01. Mein Weg zum Auslandspraktikum (Anmeldung über StudIP)12.02. Bewerben - individuell und authentisch---Current semester: *Please select1.-3.4.-6.7.-9.higherGraduateFaculty: *Please selectAgricultural ScienceBiology and PsychologyChemistryForest Sciences and Forest EcologyGeoscience and GeographyMathematics and Computer SciencesMedicineHumanitiesPhysicsLawSocial SciencesTheologyEconomic SciencesYour desired degree: *Please selectExchange studies (BA, MA)BachelorMasterStaatsexamenPhDPost DocYear of planned graduation *Please select2025202620272028Study program *Language of the study program *Please selectGermanEnglishHome country *Citizenship: *Gender: *Please selectmalefemalenot specifiedHave you already gained practical work experience at home or abroad? *Please selectYes, up to 1 yearYes, 1-3 yearsYes, up to 5 yearsNo, none so far.Where have you already gained practical experience? (multiple answers possible) Internship Side job Working student Self-employment / fee-based employment Professional training Employment contractHave you already used career preparation services? If so, which service and from which provider? *Matriculation number:e-mail address: *Data that the administration collects from you will only be processed by internal organizational units. A submission takes place e.g. for billing reasons. The following privacy policy applies to events organised as part of the InDiGU-PLUS project.By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and accept our Privacy Policy.* Mandatory field